CTLGFVER '$VER: powerd.catalog 0.15 (21-kv -00 ) english DAuthor of english localization: Martin Kuchinka, kuchinka@volny.cz Reading Writing PreProcessing Working Compiling Linking Cleaning Not Done ***Break Saving Module PowerD author is Martin Kuchinka, if You have any questions email me to: kuchinka@volny.cz (also all rewards are welcome :) VCompilation time: %3.3ld:%02.2ld.%02.2ld (%ld.%02.2ld secs) (read: %ld.%02.2ld secs) @Compilation time: %6.6ld.%02.2ld secs (read: %ld.%02.2ld secs) # of constants: %9.9ld # of variables: %9.9ld # of objects: %9.9ld # of macros: %9.9ld # of procedures: %9.9ld # of functions: %9.9ld # of errors: %9.9ld source length: %9.9ld source lines: %9.9ld # (including all %ld modules: %ld) object length: %9.9ld executable length:%9.9ld & (%ld optimizations saved %ld bytes) 2allocated memory: %9.9ld bytes (%ld allocations)